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Privacy Policy & Real Gone Kid Media, LLC (“Us”, “We,” “Our”) respect the privacy of anyone who visits Our Website, home page is located at (“Website”). We also respect the privacy of those who subscribe to Our Newsletter(s) (“Newsletters”). The intent of this Privacy Policy is to inform and educate you on Our policies and practices regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of any Personal Information (defined below) and Anonymous Information (defined below) you submit to Us or We collect through Our website. Our services include Our podcasts, newsletters, and related social media pages (collectively, the “Services”) Please review this Privacy Policy carefully. By using or accessing the Services, you are accepting the terms of this Privacy Policy. “Personal Information” is information about you that is personally identifiable to you. Examples of personal information include but are not limited to name, address, and email address, as well as other non-public information that is associated with the foregoing. “Anonymous Information” is information that is not associated with or linked to your Personal Information; Anonymous Information does not allow the identification of individual persons. We collect and use Personal Information and Anonymous Information as indicated in this Privacy Policy. Before submitting your Personal Information to the Website or the Services, please review this Privacy Policy carefully. By using/accessing the Website, signing up for a newsletter, and/or communicating with Us via mail, email, or telephone, you are accepting the practices described in the Privacy Policy. User Consent When you submit any Personal Information through the Services, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. You also expressly consent to the treatment of your Personal Information defined in this Privacy Policy. Collecting Personal Information occurs for various reasons, one being that We need the Personal Information for performance of a contract or requested service. Another reason for Personal Information collection may be for the collection of Our or another’s legitimate interests, so long as it does not violate an individual's data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. In some cases, We may also have a legal obligation to collect the Personal Information in question. If We collect your Personal Information with your consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time as provided below. You understand and agree that We may collect, use, disclose and otherwise process the Personal Information you provide even if you are located outside the United States. Information Collected We may collect Personal Information that you submit to Us voluntarily through the Services, and via passive technologies integrated into the Services, including via third parties.. We collect this information when you register, answer survey and poll questions, enter contests, use certain features on the Website or other methods of submitting information. The types of information you can choose to provide through the Services may include, but are not limited to: - Name, email address, and other contact information - Billing and shipping addresses, credit card number and expiration date. - We or Our third-party service providers may also gather information relating to your devices including: device model, operating system, browser type, unique device identifier, IP address, mobile phone number, mobile network carrier and location. - Other personal information you choose to provide. The Services also passively collect certain types of Personal Information and Anonymous Information, including through third parties. We may use pixel tags, cookies, and/or other similar technologies to collect this information. We do not use any such technologies to conduct online targeted advertising. The types of information collected passively through the Services may include, without limitation: - Information relating to your devices, including: device model, operating system, browser type, unique device identifier, IP address, mobile phone number, mobile network carrier, and location (such as application installations). Use of Information We may use your Personal Information for the following general and business purposes: - To fulfill or respond to your inquiries - To deliver the Services - To address administrative needs and/or communications - To improve Our products and services - To contact you for internal business purposes - To provide you with newsletters, surveys, promotions, and notices on changes and upgrades to our products and services We use Anonymous Information such as web or mobile pages you viewed, so We can analyze usage patterns so that We may improve Our products and Services, enhance the user experience, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. Anonymous Information is information that is not identifiable to you personally, these records exclude information, such as your name, that makes them personally identifiable to you. We may disclose Anonymous Information to third parties that promote Our products and services. We reserve the right to use and disclose anonymous information to third parties in Our discretion. Information Sharing Except as otherwise noted in this Privacy Policy, We don’t sell, trade, rent, or share your Personal Information with third parties for their marketing purposes and We will not disclose financial information that is part of your Personal Information unless you request or authorize that we do so. In some instances when you provide Personal Information for any number of reasons, We may use the Personal Information in connection with the reason for which it was provided. One example is when you contact us via email, We will use the Personal Information you provide to answer your question or resolve your problem and will respond to the email address from which the contact came. We may disclose Personal Information to Our corporate subsidiaries or affiliated entities. Should We disclose any Personal Information to Our corporate subsidiaries or affiliated entities, that information will be treated by those entities in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. In addition, We may share your Personal Information with third party vendors and suppliers to provide you with products and services that We offer you through the Website and to send to you in the Newsletters. You expressly consent to the sharing of your Personal Information with Our contractors and outside vendors, for the sole purpose of providing products and services to you. We use third-party payment processors for any purchases you make through the Website, Newsletters, and Services. Please be advised that We do not have access to any Personal Information, including credit card numbers or other financial information, you provide to these processors. This Privacy Policy does not apply to them and We do not accept any responsibility or liability for their policies. We may participate in co-branding or co-promotional agreements with third parties pursuant to which We may share Personal Information with such third parties (“Partner Companies”). For example, We may advertise an email opt-in box on a Partner Companies website. Opting in through a Partner Companies website may result in Us providing your Personal Information to the partner company. We do not control the privacy practices of these partner companies. We may offer you the chance to participate in drawings, contests, giveaways, and promotions (“Special Promotions”) through Our Website or Newsletters. By registering for a Special Promotion, you agree to the official rules that govern that Special Promotion. Special Promotions may contain specific requirements of you, including, except where prohibited by law, allowing the sponsor(s) of the Special Promotion to use your name, voice and/or likeness in advertising or marketing associated with the Special Promotion. If you choose to enter a drawing, contest, or other promotion, personally identifiable information may be disclosed to third parties or the public in connection with the administration of such Special Promotion. This may require you to meet prize fulfilment obligations, this may include appearing on a winners list. We may use your Personal Information in order to provide third parties non-personal aggregated information about you that does not allow you to be identified or contacted and that is combined with Personal Information of other users (“Aggregate Information”). For example, We may inform third parties regarding number of users of Our Website or number of impressions in an email newsletter. Depending on the circumstances, We may or not charge third parties for this Aggregate Information. We may not limit the third parties use of the Aggregate Information. Under the following scenarios, We may be required to share your Personal Information: - If We believe it is necessary to share information in order to investigate, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving possible threats to the physical safety of any person, violations of our Terms of Use or as otherwise required by law. - If We respond to subpoenas, court orders or legal process, or if We need to establish or exercise Our legal rights or defend against legal claims. - If We believe it is necessary to restrict or inhibit any user from using any of Our Websites, including without limitation, by means or “hacking” or defacing any portion thereof. Opt-Out You have options regarding the collection, use and sharing of your Personal Information under certain circumstances. When you receive promotional communications from Us, you may specify a preference to stop receiving further promotional communications from Us and you will have the chance to “opt-out” by following the unsubscribe instructions indicated in the communication you receive. You may also contact us via email at to opt-out of receiving any promotional communications. Please include “Opt-Out” in the subject line. Despite your selected preferences, We may send you non-marketing communication regarding the Services We provide to you, such as notices about administrative updates, transaction reports, notices of new Website releases, and notices regarding changes to the website, updates to our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, or other policies. Unsubscribe from Our Newsletters Should you no longer wish to receive any of Our Newsletters to your inbox. You may click on the unsubscribe link located at the bottom of each message received, and/or contact and We will immediately remove you from our distribution list. California Privacy Rights California “Shine The Light” – As provided by California Civil Code 1798.83, if you are a California resident, you have the right to receive (a) information identifying any third party company(ies) to whom We have disclosed your Personal Information to in the past year, and (b) a description of the categories of Personal Information disclosed. To obtain this information, please email a request to ( with “Cali Privacy Rights” in the subject line. For California residents under the age of 18 and registered users, California law (Business and Professionals Code 22581) provides that you can request the removal of content or information you posted on the App or Website. Please email this request to ( along with a description of the posted content. Be advised, however, that applicable law may not permit Us to completely or comprehensively remove your deleted content or for other reasons as set forth in this California law. California Consumer Privacy Act – The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) gives California consumers enhanced rights with respect to their Personal Information that is collected by businesses. The CCPA provides California consumers with three rights regarding their personal information. First, California consumers can opt out of the sale of their Personal Information. Second, California consumers may opt out of having their Personal Information sold to other persons or parties. California consumers can also request to know: 1. What specific pieces of information a business has collected about the consumer 2. Categories of Personal Information it has collected about the consumer 3. Categories of sources from which the Personal Information is collected 4. Categories of Personal Information that the business sold or disclosed for a business purpose about the consumer 5. Categories of third parties to whom the Personal Information was sold or disclosed for a business purpose and 6. The business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling Personal Information. Third, California consumers can request that a business delete Personal Information about the consumer that a business has collected from the consumer. We are a covered business under the CCPA as We collect and process the Personal Information of California consumers. This Privacy Policy provides the required notices to California consumers. The categories of Personal Information We collect and disclose for business purposes in the preceding 12 months are described above. The CCPA also prohibits covered businesses from providing discriminatory treatment to California consumers if they exercise their rights under CCPA. To make a “request to know” or a “request to delete” your Personal Information, send an email to Please put either “request to know” or “request to delete” in the subject line of your email. We will confirm receipt of your request and must provide the requested information or delete your Personal Information within 45 days of receipt of your request. We can request an additional 45 days if we let you know additional time is needed. Before responding, We must verify that the person making the request is the person about whom We have collected their Personal Information. We may ask you to provide certain, limited Personal Information, such as your name and email address to verify and match your identity with Our record and systems. If you have an account, We may ask you to verify your identity through an account authentication process. This is also to protect against fraud. We will not retain this Personal Information or use it for any other purpose. Also please be advised that we need to search our records and systems only for the preceding 12 months. There may be cases where We do not have any Personal Information about you or We are not able to verify your identity for matching purposes. Deleting Personal Information may result in the closing of your account and inability to access the services. However, you can re-register at any time. (Residents of Nevada and other states may also have similar rights to request information about or delete their Personal Information. To inquire about exercising these rights, please contact us at Located in the United States Real Gone Kid Media, LLC and are located in the United States and governed by US law. If you are outside the United States when you visit the Services or engage in communication with Us via mail, email or telephone, please be aware that your Personal Information may be transferred to, stored, and processed in the United States where Our servers are located. Any information you provide to Us, or that We collect through your use of the Services will be stored, processed, and transferred within, or to, the United States. Please be aware that the United States and jurisdictions other than the one in which you are located may not provide the same level of data protection as considered adequate in your country. Note that your Personal Information may be available to the US Governments or its agencies under legal process in the United States. Google User Data We may use third party services to access your google user data, but only upon your verification and consent to do so. You will be notified prior to accessing your Google user data, and must authorize your account credentials before you are capable of accessing your Google user data. The Google user data will not be stored or shared by Us. The Google user data accessed by Us is limited to user contacts and are used solely to allow you to email those contacts directly from Us. Users in the European Economic Area (EEA), United Kingdom, and Switzerland The Legal Basis for Using EEA, UK, and Swiss Personal Information For residents of the European Economic Area (EEA), United Kingdom, and Switzerland, We advise that your personal information will be transferred to and processed in the United States, which has data protection laws that are different than those in your country and may not be as protective. The United States has not sought or received a finding of “adequacy” from the European Union under Article 45 of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). Our legal basis for collecting and using your Personal Information is to do so with your consent; where We need the Personal Information for performance of a contract or requested service, including to provide you with Our daily Newsletter, or where the collection and use in Our or another’s legitimate interests and not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. In some cases, We may also have a legal obligation to collect the Personal Information in question. If we collected your Personal Information with your consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time. Our retention of your Personal Information and any subsequent communications are based on Our legitimate interest in providing you with new and potentially relevant materials based on your geography, role, or company. As always, you can elect to opt out from receiving such future communications. To the extent that we transfer Personal Information from the EEA, UK, or Switzerland to a jurisdiction outside the EEA, UK, or Switzerland that has not been adduced by the European Commission as providing adequate data protections (such as the United States), We will ensure that such Personal Information is safeguarded through appropriate contractual terms or other approved mechanisms. Rights for EEA, UK or Swiss Residents In addition, if you are a resident of the EEA, UK, or Switzerland, you have the right to: - Find out if We use your Personal Information, to access your Personal Information, and receive copies of your Personal Information. - Withdraw any express consent that you have provided to the processing of your Personal Information at any time without penalty. - Access your Personal Information and have it corrected or amended if it is inaccurate or incomplete. - Obtain a transferable copy of some of your Personal Information which can be transferred to another provider when the Personal Information was processed based on your consent. - If you believe your Personal Information is inaccurate, no longer necessary for Our business purposes, or if you object to Our processing of your Personal Information, you also have the right to request that We restrict the processing of your data pending Our investigation and/or verification of your claim. - Request your Personal Information be deleted or restricted under certain circumstances. For example, if We are using your Personal Information on the basis of your consent and have no other legal basis to use such, you may request your Personal Information be deleted when you withdraw your consent. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing We conducted prior to your withdrawal, nor will it affect processing your Personal Information conducted in reliance on lawful processing grounds other than consent. If We ask you to provide Personal Information to Us to comply with a legal requirement or enter into a contact, We will inform you of this and let you know whether providing Us with your Personal Information is required and if not, the consequences of not sharing your Personal Information with Us. Similarly, if We collect and use your Personal Information in reliance on Our or a third party’s legitimate interests and those interests are not already described above, We will let you know what those legitimate interests are. We endeavour to apply suitable safeguards to protect the privacy and security of your Personal Information and to use it only consistent with your relationship with Us and the practices described in this Privacy Policy. To withdraw consent or exercise these rights, please contact us via email at If you are not satisfied with Our response, or believe We are processing your Personal Information in violation of the law, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority (also known as Data Protection Authority) or other appropriate governmental authority in your EEA Member State or Switzerland. Security We have implemented technical, administrative and physical security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access and use as described. While we strive to protect your information, no data transmitted over the internet is 100% secure and, consequently while we strive to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information you transmit you provide, and you do so at your own risk. We cannot promise that your information will remain absolutely secure in all circumstances. We are not responsible for the circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures We may provide. We will retain your information for the time necessary to provide a requested service, realize Our legitimate business purposes and to comply with the law. We will only retain Personal Information for the longer of the period if: (a) required by law, or (b) there is a time-bound determination business need. Children’s Information The Services is not intended to be used by children under the age of 21, and We will not knowingly collect Personal Information from children under this age. We do not use an application or mechanism to determine the age of users of the website. All information provided to Us will be treated as if it was provided by an adult. If, however, We learn that a child has submitted information about himself/herself to Us, We will delete the information as soon as possible. Google User Data We may use third party services to access your Google user data, but only upon your verification and consent to do so. You will be notified prior to accessing your Google user data and must authorize your account credentials before you are capable of accessing your Google user data. The Google user data you use will not be stored or shared by Us. The Google user data accessed by Us is limited to user contacts and are used solely to allow you to email those contacts directly from our website to, for example, invite your contacts to sign up for the Newsletters. We do not have access to your contacts. Links to Third-Party Websites Our Website, Newsletters, and The Services may contain links to and from third party websites of Our business partners and various contact management services and other service providers. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that We do not accept any responsibility or liability for their policies. Please check their individual privacy policies before you submit Personal Information to those websites. Our provision of a link to any other website or location is for your convenience and does not indicate Our endorsement of such other website or location or its contents. We have no control over, do not review, and cannot be responsible for these outside websites or their content. Please be aware that the terms of Our Privacy Policy do not apply to these outside websites. Cookies and Similar Technologies We may use pixel tags, cookies, and/or other similar technologies to collect visitor information. Cookies, for example, are alphanumeric identifiers that We transfer to your computer’s hard drive through your web browser. These make it possible for Us to save the items in your shopping cart until you are ready to check out, recognize your browser when you visit, recognize if you are a current subscriber, provide you with information about products that interest you, or analyze how Our Website is used. By doing this, We can customize return visits and save you time during checkout. It is possible to deactivate cookies from being used in your browser by turning the feature off, but in order to enjoy the benefits of being a registered user, your browser must be set up to accept cookies. We do not use cookies to conduct online targeting advertising. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but if you prefer, you can edit your browser options to block them in the future. The Help portion of the toolbar on most browsers will tell you how to prevent your computer from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies altogether. Visitors to Our website who disable cookies will be able to browse most areas of the Website, but some features may not function. You can find out more information about how to change your browser cookie settings at Updates to privacy policy We may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time by posting updates on this page. Please check back regularly to view any updates. Contact Us Should you have any questions, concerns, or feedback regarding this Privacy Policy, please contact us by email at You can also mail us at: Real Gone Kid Media, LLC PO Box 1166 Bethpage, NY 11714

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